Monday 22 April 2013

Live Support for Your Website Caters to PPC Customers

Do you love using organic products? All natural products are great for your skin and health. Organic  search results, however, is another story. You can use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques all you want but it will take a while for your e-commerce website to appear on the first page of search results. It is a battle of wills waiting for prospective customers to stumble upon your online store. If patience is not your thing, then stop sitting on your backside. You can use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to drive substantial website traffic. On the other hand, paid search results can only get you so far! You can  add chat to website to convert website visitors into paying customers.

Internet marketers reveal a profitable campaign comes through practice and experimentation.  However, inexperienced e-retailers make costly mistakes all the time. In most cases, they run a PPC ad around keywords that pertain to a particular product category. When a prospective customer enters those keywords in the search results, they see the PPC ad on top of the page. Upon clicking it, they expect to find a product webpage. Instead, they land upon the home page or contact page which requires them to fill out newsletter or lead generation forms. By adding chat to website, you can help customers find the product page they were searching for.

Some e-retailers seek to increase their traffic potential and mistakenly set their ads on ‘broad match’ keywords. What this does is showcase their e-commerce website in irrelevant searches. For example, if you are a wedding photographer targeting the phrase “weddings” with a broad match ad. Your ad could appear for the phrases “wedding gowns” or “holiday weddings”. In this case, you will drive unqualified traffic to your website and pay for overhead costs! With the help of live support for your website, you can work your way around this situation to your benefit.

Live support for your website is an online CRM application that integrates on a variety of e-business websites. It connects website visitors to customer service representatives (CSRs) through a live chat medium. If a prospective customer does not land upon a target landing page, they can ask a chat operator to help them find the product they were looking for. They do not have to work around your website to locate a product page they thought they would automatically see by clicking on your ad. Chat operators can help browsers that searched for a ‘broad match’ keyword. They can navigate them to your affiliate pages that will help you earn commission.

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